2018 - What Will I Be Reading Next

My 2018 reading list is starting with this book I received for Christmas! 

Present over perfect. Perfect is the enemy of happiness, success and productivity because it is an unattainable goal. I am SO ready to let go of perfection, who is with me?


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Who Is the Author of YOUR Story?

Reading a book has a way of changing us, of altering our thoughts, actions and ultimately, lives. Genre does not matter in this regard - fairytales and fables taught many of us valuable lessons to live by, and this fictional story is not different. It made me pause and ask "Who is the author of my story?"

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Yes, today is a day that is too often focused on food, football and shopping. And yes, while I may love the occasional piece of pumpkin pie and enjoying a fabulous meal with family, I also can easily forget the roots of this holiday. 

Thankfulness for the life we are given. 

Today,  I challenge you to take a moment to reflect. To think back on the intent - a day to give thanks for a harvest. A harvest to sustain families through a harsh winter. A true time of celebration and gratitude for the ability to continue on living life. Living in the good and the bad, the up and downs. The joy and the sorrow. 

Do not take today for granted, because wherever you are in life, you are more blessed in many ways than someone else. Reflect on the original celebration - it was not one of bounty or overindulgence, but one of survival. Gratitude and thankfulness for the possibility to continue on in this crazy, beautiful life. 

Thanksgiving. Give thanks. Truly, give thanks to someone today. I promise you, a genuine expression of gratitude for even a small act of kindness can change the course of a life. 

Much love to you all - and THANK YOU. Thank you for reading this, for supporting me and for all you do to lift others up. 

Just Call Me Belle...

“Reading became my sanctuary,” Belle continued. “I found so much in those books. I found histories that inspired me. Poems that delighted me. Novels that challenged me…” Belle paused, suddenly self-conscious. She looked down at her hands, and in a wistful voice, said, “What I really found, though, was myself.” 
― Jennifer DonnellyBeauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book

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Extend a Helping Hand

Feeling exhausted? Burned out? 

When was the last time you extended the effort to selflessly make someone else's life a little better?

Yes, I know it seems like more work. But the getting is really in the giving here. 

Give back to someone today. You will feel better. I promise. 

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Transforming Culture Means Transforming Yourself First

Around every hospital corner, you will find someone taking about burnout, engagement and decreased productivity. And you will find someone talking about how culture needs to change and the lack of effort from leaders to bring about that change. Oh, and you'll find someone else so burnt out they are tired of hearing about it...

The reality is, there's an enormous amount of literature on the high rates of burnout, of poor engagement and physician suicide.  

Does culture need need to change? Absolutely. Does that mean we pass the buck to leadership while we continue to complain? Absolutely not.  

Organizational culture change is a grassroots effort and starts with the individual. We need to change ourselves first, focus on how we can improve what we DO each day and thoughtfully implement change. Changing what we do can positively change our thinking and behaviors. When others see those changes, it snowballs and the culture starts to shift. I love this diagram highlighting that we cannot decide how to change culture and force people to adapt. We change first. Culture follows. 


I know, I know. I sound like another person blaming the individual. But, I'm not. Hear me out. 

I have been incredibly burnt out. As in "I want to quit my job and go work at GAP" burnt out. I struggled with this. I commiserated with colleagues near and far on how things need to change. And I waited. I waited for that change, but it never arrived in that pretty wrapped box I expected. It came after months of reading, investing in leadership and personal development. It came with more work, yet somehow, less burnout. How? Because I was empowered.  Because I saw positive results and it fueled me to do more. To be an ambassador of change, if you will. 

See, in all my time reading while waiting for change to find me, I became a catalyst for change. A voice challenging the status quo, asking "why can't we do it differently"? I inadvertently developed the skills needed to sit at the table and advocate for change. 

I urge you - do not wait for someone to change the culture. You'll be left waiting and increasingly dissatisfied. Start with yourself. How can you improve how you do your job? Manage your time? Live your life? Start there. Find small successes and let it snowball. It will pay-off.  


Here are a few references: 



Independence Day - Honoring a Culture Based on a Revolution


Happy 4th of July!  

Happy Independence Day!  


I have waited to publish a follow-up on my last post about physician suicide and the culture of medicine for two reasons. One is the enormity of the issue. Lives needlessly lost. A profession driven to death for some, burnout and disengagement for so many others. It deserves to stand alone for a while. 


The second reason is that I have spent a lot of time thinking about culture, this holiday and what it means.  

Work hard, hustle, become what you want.  Follow the American Dream.  

That American Dream is the reason I delayed this post until today. Many of us "celebrate" by relaxing, wearing red, white and blue and watching parades and fireworks. How often do we think back on what it means? The culmination of a brutal revolution. The blood and sweat of those who believed in something better. 

Do you believe in something better? Something greater? 

I do. I believe that medicine can be better. For one and all; patients and providers. 

But, I am also not naive enough to believe I can change much alone. However, I can try. I can use what I love - leadership, development and education to help inspire and arm the dreamers like me. Because it is the dedicated dreamers, those who strive for more everyday, that can change the world. Who can, and will, lead a revolution.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead 


So, today, I celebrate a revolution. Flags and fireworks that inspire me and remind me of what is possible.