New Years Dare


New Years Eve.

Celebrations, champagne, confetti.

And resolutions.

The best laid plans for change, for growth, for improvement.

This year, instead of a resolution, what if you set a goal?

In my coaching group, we were all asked to set 1 goal. A goal we believe to be impossible. 1 goal to spend a year trying to achieve, knowing we will fail from the start. Why? Because in trying, we learn, and we may even learn the goal was never impossible, we just thought it was.

What goals do you think are impossible to achieve? What dreams feel like nothing more than a wish?

Have you ever tried? I mean really tried?

So often, we decide for ourselves what is, or is not, possible. Or let others tell us, and then we never take the chance that maybe, just maybe, nothing is impossible.

What is the worst that can happen? Is failure worse than trying?

No, because even if we fail over and over again, we are always learning.

So as 2018 comes to a close, I dare you spend 2019 chasing an impossible goal/dream. Dare to try. Dare to fail. Just dare. I promise, 1 year of daring will change your life.

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
-Thomas Edison